Monday, December 22, 2014 8:11 pm, Posted by Absolute Destruction
As more and more information makes the transition from print to online, old rules and regulations need to be updated to ensure confidentiality and security. The great rush to a paperless society—and the attending proliferation of online databases and the Internet itself—forced lawmakers to play catch up regarding the fair use and sharing of information. In 2000, the Canadian government passed the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), a body of “rules to govern the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in a manner that recognizes the right of privacy of individuals with respect to their personal information and the need of organizations to collect, use or disclose personal information for purposes that a reasonable person would consider appropriate in the circumstances.” Since then, there have been a number of regulations, exemptions, and clarifications made to this landmark set of guidelines to cover the ever-changing nature of the fair use of electronic information.
In 2010, a London-based study found that the majority of worldwide losses incurred through fraud are now due to electronic, rather than physical, theft. With a click of a button, information can be disseminated in ways that were previously impossible. Whether from duplicitous insiders sharing materials via email or USB, experienced hackers gaining access to supposedly secure networks, or poor disposal policies for electronic hardware leaving companies open to attack, the chances of having personal, client, or corporate information lifted by criminals is now higher than ever. Wireless identity theft is now recognized as being a profound risk to individual and corporate information; these days, sophisticated thieves can even scan credit cards through wallets, pockets, and purses using new and dirt-cheap technology, updating the old art of pickpocketing to more insidiously effective levels.
While there’s rarely an all-encompassing solution to these problems, there are some very basic and common sense ways to protect your electronic information. One is by adjusting your methods of disposal. If you are still convinced that degaussing is 100 percent effective, think again—disk shielding technology has come far enough that it will allow savvy thieves to still gain access to supposedly stripped electronics. You might be surprised by how many companies will simply smash and dispose of out-of-date, broken, or obsolete computers and disks. This is effectively offering thieves your client or personal information on a platter, free of charge, worry, or effort!
To truly ensure that all equipment and data heading out the door is never recovered, trust in our on-site, electronic media device destruction, which will permanently erase all credit cards, audio, video, and magnetic tapes, compact discs, microfiche, and physical computer parts themselves. We will literally bring a ‘crusher’ to your place of business or residence and you can observe all components being eradicated—safely and by our trained personnel. Once destroyed, all materials will be recycled and disposed of using eco-friendly methods, erasing all lingering concerns about what might leave you open to attack.
There is little point in doing business online or through computer networks without investing serious thought into data and information protection. Those companies that fail to make proper considerations for their electronic data will inevitably suffer the consequences, and face incredible blows to their reputations in the process. Make the smart decision, stay informed about privacy in the 21st century, and always count on our professional services to ensure your electronic data is disposed of properly, with 21st century trends in mind.