Tuesday, May 21, 2019 5:30 pm, Posted by Absolute Destruction

In just the way that modern companies adopt the latest technology in order to enjoy their benefits, they also need to stay ahead of the latest technological threats in order to keep them and their clients’ data safe.
You don’t need to read a newspaper for very long before finding a story about a political party or international corporation that has suffered a major data breach. No matter how small or large your business, you need to be proactively mindful to guard your sensitive information. Here are some tips to keep in mind, as well as information about the different ways we help your business avoid security threats.
Most Security Breaches Come from Inside the Company
It’s flattering to think that business rivals are so concerned about your success that they’re sending waves of spies to obtain your trade secrets, but the most common source of data breaches originates from employees inside the company.
Angry or recently terminated employees present a security risk for businesses. Ideally all current and former employees are treated with respect, but in the course of things, work relationships sometimes fray. Create a work culture where employees and HR take security seriously.
There should be a regimented structure in place to be followed whenever an employee is terminated; their work computer obviously gets returned to the employer, but so must all company-issued portable storage devices. Their work email needs to be closed, too.
Commercial Paper Shredding
Every business has a physical location where papers accumulate. It could be old contracts, business plans, tax information, bank records, or something else altogether. Your rivals are dying to see this information! The best way to prevent them from seeing it is to destroy it altogether. We provide on site shredding services, Mississauga to Toronto, meaning we keep businesses all over the greater Toronto area safe.
Absolute Destruction makes this as easy as possible: we can either drive to your office and destroy it on site in our mobile shredding truck or we’ll securely transport your sensitive data to our facility where it will be totally destroyed.
Total Security and Service
We offer not only convenience, but security. Absolute Destruction is a member of the National Association for Information Destruction, the industry’s only quality assurance program. We track all the latest trends in document and data security. We’re devoted to keeping Mississauga business info secured as well as all of the surrounding GTA.
Canadian-owned and operated since our founding in 1998, we pride ourselves in being large enough to get any job done securely, and small enough to deliver excellent quality service while we do. You can contact us anytime at 1-866-997-3334, and you’ll always hear someone pick up the phone — no machines, just people looking to help your business stay safe.
Environmental Commitment
Keeping your business safe is important, and so is safeguarding the planet. Absolute Destruction takes it commitment to reduce its carbon footprint seriously: we take great pains to recycle all paper and e-waste possible. E-waste is especially important to recycle properly, because electronic devices can be made of chemical components that need to be disposed of safely in different final destinations.
We hope you take security threats seriously — keep these tips in mind and let us help when you need assistance, so that you and your company’s data remain safe.