With the holidays just around the corner, we wanted to take this opportunity to wish our readers all the best that the season has to offer. We’d also like to remind our customers that we’ll be shredding right through to the New Year, providing the GTA with secure document and electronic data destruction. We’re ready […]
A new kind of extortion scam has hit the nation, but it’s a cover of the same old song: scammers try to trick you out of money by claiming to be from the Canada Revenue Agency. Except this time, instead of getting you to send money through PayPal or some other account, they request payment […]
We’ve all felt that momentary feeling of panic when we can’t find our smartphones. It’s usually short-lived after a frantic search reveals it in an unlikely place, like the top of a bookshelf or between two couch cushions, but not all of us are so lucky. Sometimes, our carelessness isn’t confined to the home, and […]
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