Today, implementing stunning innovations in your computer and network security means that would-be hackers are forced to prey upon smaller, less secure organizations. It’s definitely true that the more you invest in electronic security, the more outside and third party infiltrators will have a hard time accessing your information. In today’s digital age, it makes […]
Neither businesses nor employees benefit when confidential information is stolen. In fact, the only people who benefit are the thieves themselves: the dumpster divers, hackers, and trespassers. Now, you might believe that if your company or organization is the victim of information theft, there are legal systems in place to punish the violators and restore […]
If you’ve been reading the business headlines over the past 12 months, you might have noticed an abundance of cases involving the theft of laptops from high profile companies, schools, hospitals, and other organizations—and the subsequent paranoia of impending identity theft. In many ways, 2014 could be seen as the year of stolen laptops, and […]
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