Non-profits and charities — whether staffed by paid employees or run by volunteers — have a moral and, in some cases, a legal obligation to keep their donors’ personal information private. When a member of the public chooses to get behind your cause by generously supporting your charity through a one-time donation or a standing […]
Financial fraud occurs when someone denies you money that’s rightfully yours or harms your finances by deceptive, misleading, or other illegal means. There are several forms of financial fraud, including but not limited to the following: Identify Theft: This occurs when someone steals an element of your financial information — like an account or credit […]
How long do you hold on to your bank and credit card statements? It may very well be longer than you need to. It’s recommended that individuals destroy their bank statements after only one year and businesses destroy them after six. With banks sending monthly and annual paper statements, it’s understandable to have accumulated a […]