You don’t have to be in the legal field to appreciate the need for a secure chain of custody. The way you and your business obtains, records, shares, and disposes of paper and electronic documents is important, regardless of your industry. Implementing fortified policies that secure physical and digital data is one of the best […]
Spring has officially sprung in the GTA, and we’re welcoming it with open arms. Though this past winter was unseasonably warm, it was still too cold for our liking. Now that the days are longer and the temperatures are finally in the double digits, many of us are swinging open the windows and letting that […]
Identity theft: it happens more often than you think. According to Trans Union and Equifax, the country’s top two credit bureaus, they receive anywhere between 1,400 and 1,800 identity theft complaints from Canadians every month! Those numbers aren’t very encouraging. To think you can avoid becoming victim of identity theft by sheer luck alone isn’t […]
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