Monday, March 18, 2019 9:02 am, Posted by Absolute Destruction

With the headlines so full of stories about prominent political parties and international corporations being victimized by data breaches, you may not think that you could be the target for the same kind of crime. But identity theft can happen to anybody.
Absolute Destruction is here to help you take simple precautions to reduce the liabilities around your home and office, so read this to see how you can keep yourself safe from becoming the next victim of identity fraud.
Home Shredding Service
When you clean out your house this spring, don’t just throw out old boxes of paper to de-clutter — shred them! It’s important to safely dispose of any information that may contain sensitive information on it. You may forget that old papers contain information pertaining to your taxes or bank information, old passwords, or other kinds of sensitive information better kept to yourself.
The point is not just to get documents containing sensitive information out of sight, but to destroy them utterly so that it’s impossible for bad actors to get enough information about you to commit identity fraud.

We want to keep you secure, and make the process easy. That’s why Absolute Destruction & Recycling has a mobile shredding truck we can drive directly to your home, so we can eliminate documents containing sensitive information right from the convenience of your own drive way.
Information Security for the Office
Which office doesn’t have a stash of banker’s boxes piled up, containing old papers with sensitive information that will probably never be read again? If this sounds like you, call us! We make it easy to clean out your office space in the most secure and environmentally friendly way possible.
We know those boxes of paper get heavy quickly, and transporting it all is a pain. For high-volume pickups, our Absolute Destruction truck can pick up whatever needs to be shredded, so we can take care of it at our facility. You don’t have to worry about hauling anything.
Commercial Data Destruction
Beyond paper, one of the most common liabilities is posed by electronic data. Do you remember what files were on that old USB drive? You can’t just throw it in the garbage!
Electronic data can take many forms, such as old computers, laptops, tablets, cell phones, back-up tapes, and even old photocopier and printer memory cards. Electronic data will be destroyed to the point where the information on the chips cannot be retrieved. Unless you’re actively using this equipment, get rid of it safely.
There’s no telling what competitors may do to try to get their hands on your information — known as “rubbish trawling” or “dumpster diving,” there are cases where hackers inspected the trash of their competitors to try to obtain passwords, user IDs, organization charts, or any other material that could assist them and hurt their competition.
Absolute Destruction is also committed to environmental protection: we always recycle whatever material can be reused. This applies to both paper and electronic waste.
We take your information security seriously. Whether the liabilities you have are paper or electronic, leave it to us to dispose of securely. If you need a shredding company in Oakville or anywhere in the Greater Toronto Area, call Absolute Destruction today at 1-866-997-3334.