Wednesday, February 13, 2019 5:31 pm, Posted by Absolute Destruction

Now that we’re a full month into 2019, it’s important not to give up on those New Year’s resolutions already! One popular goal people try to achieve is living amid less clutter. Sometimes a less busy room leads to a calmer mind-state, but there are other important reasons to live with less stuff too.
You may not think much of it, but old paper or electronics sitting around your house can present a potential liability: they often contain sensitive data that can be twisted by bad actors to help them commit identity fraud against you.
Whatever reasons you have to reduce the clutter in your home, let us help you achieve your goals.
Shredding Those Banker’s Boxes
Is there a space in your home filled with papers you thought you’d eventually need one day, but they’ve done nothing for years but sit there? Clearing it out is a great way to make more space in your basement or home office. If you truly don’t need these documents anymore then call Absolute Destruction & Recycling and we’ll get rid of it, in a way that’s safe and confidential.
All scammers need to commit identity fraud is several pieces of quite ordinary information, and the more of this is sitting around the house, the greater the potential threat there is for fraud. If you have any reservations, then you should click here to learn more about the wide range of destruction services we offer.
We give you options: you can bring whatever you want to be destroyed to our facility, or we can come to your home and destroy it right from the convenience of your own driveway with our mobile shredding truck.
When the contents of these boxes are destroyed we’ll issue a certificate of destruction, so you can feel a peace of mind holding in your hand the confirmation that your sensitive data can no longer be used against you. Between this and simply having more space in your home, you’ll feel better after you clear out those bundles of old paper documents.
Destroying Old Electronics
Another important part of cleaning out your home is purging it of old electronics. With the pace of new technology, there may be devices in your home which are totally obsolete, and just sit there collecting dust. They too may contain data that can be used against you, and it’s best that it gets destroyed.
These old electronic devices and hard drives can’t just simply be thrown out. It’s important that they’re destroyed in such a way that the data on them cannot be recovered. Such electronics may include old computers, hard drives or flash drives, printers and memory cards, cell phones and more.
Ask yourself: before you throw out the computer or hard drive you haven’t used in years, are you really going to do a complete and thorough scan to make sure it contains no sensitive data? Even if you did, it’s very easy to miss a file or two. The safest course is just totally destroying the device and all of the information that’s on it.
Whether you made a New Year’s resolution to reduce the clutter or you’ve decided to purge your home or office of sensitive data, at Absolute Destruction we’re are here to help. If you live in Southern Ontario and need professional document shredding, call us today.