Tuesday, January 17, 2017 10:22 pm, Posted by Absolute Destruction
With the holidays and New Years behind us, the crew at Absolute Destruction is wishing you and yours only the best for 2017. We’ve got some great expectations for the upcoming months, and we hope to share our enthusiasm as we make our appointments across the GTA. You may wonder why we’re so optimistic about the future. It has everything to do with the time of year. Forget about post-holiday blues. We recognize the New Year for what it is: carte blanche. Our brand new calendars signify a clean slate, which is something we can all appreciate after a year like 2016! More importantly, it’s the ideal opportunity to take stock of our lives and re-evaluate our priorities.
Part of the New Year tradition is creating our list of resolutions. After the indulgent holidays (a time when drinks were flowing and plates were full) many of us will promise healthier habits in the month to come. Diet and exercise are always popular goals, as is saving money and, conversely, spending more money on holidays. As you pen your New Year’s resolutions, don’t forget to add a very important goal to the list: security. Identity theft is the fastest growing non-violent crime in the country, so it’s important you protect yourself properly.
Though we wish you all the best with your other resolutions, we can’t exactly help you hit the gym every night, nor can we get you to skip dessert. What we can help you with, on the other hand, is protecting your personal information from fraudsters. We’re a uniquely qualified team servicing the GTA with secure document and electronic data destruction services, and we’re ready to help individuals, families, and businesses tackle their shredding goals this year and beyond!
When you schedule a regular pick-up or a one-time purge, you’re also helping us meet our goals this year. We want to share with the GTA our unparalleled on-site shredding services, so fewer Canadians have to experience the costly and frustrating consequences of identity theft. We’re also committed to the environment with eco-friendly practices. In a typical year, our recycling programs manage to save:
- 11,135 trees
- 4,585,000 gallons of water
- 2,685,500 kwh in energy savings
- 1,637.5 cubic yards of landfill space
- 39,300 pounds of air pollution
We wouldn’t be able to boast these numbers without your help, so we’d like to thank you for choosing Absolute Destruction for all of your shredding needs. Together, we can make the world a better place, while keeping your personal information safe one shredded piece of paper at a time. It’s just that easy.
If you’re ready to get a head start on your New Year’s resolutions, give us a call. Our helpful representatives are available to answer any of your questions. We can also recommend the ideal frequency of our visits to satisfy all of your needs. Whether it’s a one-time purge or a weekly pick-up — a visit to your home or your place of business — we’re here to help you stay secure in 2017 and beyond.