Wednesday, July 10, 2019 3:58 pm, Posted by Absolute Destruction

Many people are concerned about data security ever since a surge of multinational companies and even prominent political parties have been hacked. While there’s a large fear of sophisticated digital and cyber crimes, there’s still a very real risk that you or your business could fall prey to a type of fraud that is just as damaging.
If an identity thief gets their hands on your sensitive information, they can potentially drain your account, blackmail you, or use some other way to leverage this information against you.
Absolute Destruction is here to protect you from such a fate. Read on to learn about the services we offer that prevent a data breach from ever occurring.
Guard the Home
While many people may first think of high-profile targets, identity thieves target private citizens too. In addition to commercial or political targets residential privacy protection is important because identity thieves are drawn to targets with smaller security budgets, and which are usually more likely to neglect their security altogether.

Do you have boxes of old paper in your home? They may contain banking records, tax information, passwords, or some other data that can potentially help a cyber criminal target you for fraud. Absolute Destruction has an onsite mobile shredding truck, so we can eliminate this potential data liability right from your driveway!
We know it’s a hassle to lug such a heavy and awkward haul of paper, so avoid it altogether by calling us. We’ll come to you and make it easy.
Residential Electronic Destruction
In addition to paper documents to destroy, we also securely shred your home electronics, which are just as likely to contain sensitive data. When you need a local document shredding company serving Oakville or anywhere in the GTA, be careful to only call the most thorough shredders. Electronics cannot just be tossed into the garbage: even if the devices are broken, a data thief can recover the information unless the microchips on them are sufficiently destroyed.
While there are some electronic devices that most people are likely to immediately associate with data sharing — such as smartphones or computers — there may be some unconventional devices which you may not think of as a threat, but which do in fact need to be destroyed. These include hard drives, USBs and flash drives, back-up tapes, photocopier and printer memory cards.
If these old devices are somewhere in your home and you no longer use them, the safest thing is to call us and we’ll come and shred them securely.
Recycling to Make a Difference
Absolute Destruction also takes reducing your carbon footprint seriously — whether it’s paper or electronics, we always make sure to recycle as much as we can. We have recycled enough paper to save over 100,000+ trees, and we take pains to make sure that all the components in the electronics we destroy get recycled properly and safely.
Absolute Destruction makes sure that your home is free of any potential data liabilities, because even if you don’t see a threat coming, the identity thieves are often one step ahead. So be proactive, and call us for more information about how we can keep you from being the next victim of identity theft.