Thursday, December 24, 2020 8:14 pm, Posted by Absolute Destruction

The holiday season concludes what has undoubtedly been an impossibly difficult year. The spread of COVID-19 has killed over a million people worldwide, and thousands more suffer lingering health problems.
The toll on public health is incalculable, but the economic damage has been its own parallel disaster, with many businesses shuttering and people out of work. The pandemic has been so all-consuming that it’s hardly necessary to recount stats or anecdotes.
While the pandemic has affected everybody differently, nobody can ignore it. Absolute Destruction has worked for years to keep our customers secure from identity thieves, but this has been another magnitude of risk altogether.
Thank You
We want to take a moment to thank our customers for all they’ve done to keep everyone in their community safe. Amid all the uncertainty, stress, and fear, you’ve managed to comply with health directives that reduced the spread of this terrible virus.
Thank you!
People can’t know exactly how their safety precautions have positively impacted the community, but there’s no doubt that everyone’s private efforts have saved countless lives. Staying indoors, wearing masks when going out in public is necessary, and handwashing flattened out the curve earlier in the year when the risk of Ontario hospitals becoming overwhelmed was real.
Everyone at Absolute Destruction is so thankful for all you’ve done so far to keep us safe, and we’ll continue taking these measures as well.
A Different Christmas
Christmas this year will be a double-edged sword: people are understandably eager for the magic and charm of Christmas, but travel restrictions to keep the virus from spreading will prevent large groups from getting together.
Christmas will be smaller this year, but we hope everybody finds the time to relax on their own terms. Some annual traditions may be broken, but take whatever solace and joy you can, however you can get it!
Cook your favourite meals for everyone under your roof, or order your favourite takeout. If you’re tired of Zoom chats, you can still talk to distant friends and loved ones over the phone or write to them via email. Watch Christmas movies, fill your home with seasonal décor. If it’s your thing, pour yourself a stiff glass of egg nog!
Spread the cheer by shipping gifts to people you’ve been unable to visit in person or send a heartfelt hand-written holiday card. You don’t need to spend money to connect with the loved ones in your life during Christmas, and everyone will appreciate hearing from you!
The holidays can be a lonely time for many people for different reasons, even when there isn’t a pandemic going on. If you are feeling down or you’d like to help give your community a boost, there are no doubt local charities you can support.
It’s been a hard year, but Absolute Destruction enters the holidays thankful for the sacrifices made by front-line workers and medical professionals everywhere. From all of us here, thank you, and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!