The period of time that you need to store employee paperwork — including items like pay stubs, timesheets, payroll information and contracts — varies based on your location. Here in Ontario, you must hold on to employee paperwork for the duration of your employee’s time with you, and then for an additional three years after […]
Upon returning from a vacation, you’re likely feeling relaxed, refreshed and still in ‘holiday mode.’ Still, the fridge will need to be restocked, beds made up, and the mental prep for heading back to work (or school) on Monday will kick in. Amid all the hustle that comes with getting back to reality, it’s unlikely […]
Most people are familiar with the concept of paper shredding and understand the need for it. Identity theft has caused a great deal of harm, ruined many lives and the stories of people being ‘locked out’ of their own lives or suddenly discovering that there are multiple loans and credit cards out in their name […]