It’s time to apply for a new credit card, but you’re unexpectedly declined. To your surprise, your credit rating is dangerously low—much lower than it should be. You then receive a telephone call from a collections agency asking about an overdraft account in your name. The angry sounding gentleman on the line claims that you […]
Somebody you know is buried in ancient documents—bills, contracts, personal details, financial information. Their office, basement, or garage is a wall of white and manila papers, bank boxes and desk drawers bursting at the seams and hinges with old bills and receipts. Or maybe your friend doesn’t keep a long paper trail, but is surrounded […]
There are two ways to go about destroying your personal and business documents, and that’s through on-site or off-site shredding. Off-site shredding involves documents transported to a local plant, where they are presumably destroyed alongside a host of other items. On the other hand, on-site shredding is done outside your home or place of business using […]