At this point in time, you can carry most of the world in your pocket. No, we don’t mean the grains of sand that you haven’t been able to get out since your last trip to the beach. We’re talking about the small, black rectangle you call a smartphone. It’s far from an ordinary phone. […]
Over the last few years, the push to go paperless has been less a gentle touch than a definite shove towards a greener, digital future. You’ll have felt its effects in many aspects of your life: you’re charged extra by your cell phone company if you want paper bills, your bank sends your financial statements […]
Over two months ago, the Ontario legislature passed a third reading of the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). It resulted in amendments meant to improve the accountability and transparency of the healthcare system, including changes to the penalties for privacy breaches. Anyone working in the healthcare industry would do well by reviewing these revisions, […]