Halloween is approaching, and it is prime time for frightening stories. Nothing will send a chill up your spine faster than these true tales of identity theft and the ensuing nightmares that three individuals (out of millions of annual victims) had to suffer through. You can help protect yourself from scenarios like the following with […]
Despite our advances in technology, we still use a lot of paper. About a third of our waste is paper products. Many businesses have switched much of their operations to digital, but many others still use antiquated paper systems for applications, communications, and filing purposes. What’s worse is the bulk of this paper is not […]
After the whirlwind of celebrations took us for a ride this past holiday, it’s nice to know that we have a little bit of time to recover at the start of the New Year. The crew at Absolute Destruction, the document destruction services in your area, would like to take this moment of calm to […]
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