Despite our advances in technology, we still use a lot of paper. About a third of our waste is paper products. Many businesses have switched much of their operations to digital, but many others still use antiquated paper systems for applications, communications, and filing purposes. What’s worse is the bulk of this paper is not […]
On the surface, the unauthorized use of your OHIP card doesn’t seem too bad. What’s it to you if someone schedules a visit with their doctor under your name? A check-up is just one of the many health services that comes free as a resident of Ontario. Unfortunately, this basic medical physical isn’t why fraudsters […]
We’ve bandied about the consequences of a critical data breach in relation to the various privacy protection laws in this country for years now. But have you ever read these laws on your own? It may come as no surprise to discover that PIPEDA and PHIPA are written in typical legalese, which makes their regulations […]
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