It seems like once a week there is a new headline about a data breach where a wealth of consumers’ information is compromised. A major one this past summer surprised Canadians when hackers accessed about 80,000 patient records in a database belonging to a healthcare provider and held them ransom. The company, CarePartners, offers care […]
The breakneck pace of technology advancements, lower prices, and certain devices and practices becoming obsolete – like storage and software moving to the cloud – has increased the amount of e-waste production around the world. We tend to get tired of our phones, laptops, and tablets quickly, and our appetite for the newest gadget is […]
Despite our advances in technology, we still use a lot of paper. About a third of our waste is paper products. Many businesses have switched much of their operations to digital, but many others still use antiquated paper systems for applications, communications, and filing purposes. What’s worse is the bulk of this paper is not […]